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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Only One More Day!!!

This cold weather needs to get some gone!!  I'm telling ya, it's wearing me down!  :-( 
7th and 8th grade have an academic meet today @ Seiling at 1:30.  The 6th graders have been gone all day today competing at the music festival at Cheyenne.  Not much else happening.  Try to get some rest and attack tomorrow with a mighty gusto!!!  Testing starts in less than 2 weeks!!!!  We Will Be Ready!!
 A nod of appreciation to my 7th graders today.  They really worked hard, and we had a very productive hour as a result.  In 8th grade, Jessie is doing a GREAT job of reading aloud, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.  Keep up the good work!!  A special shout out to Jackie Price, Mr. McClendon, and Debbie Rounds for being faithful followers of this blog.  We appreciate it!!

7th English
*Started the ABC wb. Chapt. 5=Literary Elements p.79-81.
*Discussed 6 different terms and made note cards for those terms.

8th English
*Jessie read aloud and finished Chapt. 3 and started Chapt.4 in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.
*All students must have read both of these chapters by next Monday.
*Tomorrow we will NOT read aloud in class.
*Be prepared for a pop quiz on Monday over Chapt.'s 1-4.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Terrific Tuesday

Well, according to Mr. McClendon he is still in the lead for the Final Four Tourney pretend pool.  Of course, this surprises no one since he is the one doing all of the figuring and calculating!!  The tourney isn't over yet so time will only tell......  Lots of activities today:  HS baseball here with Cheyenne; JH softball here with Arnett; and HS softball at Sentinel, just to name a few.  Today in both classes we just graded the assignments from yesterday and used today as a catch-up for some that had late work out and others that needed to read their library books.  I've got to comment on the weather before I close my blog.  I WANT TO WEAR SHORTS AGAIN!!!  Mr. Winter--enough already!  Have a fabulous day.  :--)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Only Four Days This Week

This week is our first official first Friday off.  Woo Hoo!!!  I was sick last Friday.  And I can only say
I"M SICK OF BEING SICK!!  I'm ready to be healthy and feel good again!!  I hate lying around my house.  I'm a mover and a shaker and I like to go, go, go!!  It's also affecting my running!!  I'm about to spaz out about that, too!!  One thing about not feeling good the last two weeks, it makes me more appreciative of the good health that I normally have.  I'm thankful for my healthy body. 

7th English
*Took Spelling Test #27
*Graded Vocab #27
*Assigned p. 142-146 in BA.  Due tomo

8th Lang. Arts
*Started Chapt. 3=Reading Strategies in ABC wb.
*Discussed p. 53-57.
*Did p.58-60 and graded.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jam Packed Thursday

First off let me thank the wind for complying with my wishes.  Much better weather!!  Lots going on today--get ready, here we go:  SWIM meet at SWOSU; HS ba @ Lookeba Tourney; JH ba @ Fargo; HS sb Hammon Tourn.  Whew!!  No rest for the weary.  Was I complaining about the week rolling by slowly??  I'll keep my mouth shut.  Have a great day!

7th English
*Dol quiz #27
*Graded p. 138-140 in BA. 
*Took pop quiz over "House of Dies Drear" chapt. 1.

8th Lang. Arts
*Graded p. 48&49 in ABC wb.
*Did and graded p. 50-52=Chapt. 2 Review=Author's Purpose and Propaganda Techniques

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hump Day Wednesday!!

Middle of the week Wednesday--looking to get over the hump of the week!!  I believe this week is lasting a millenium--slow and draggy!!  Congrats to all of our teams that played yesterday.  Everyone had wins, except the 3&4 boys bb, who only came up a skosh short.  Good Luck this morning to JH academic bowlers at Sharon-Mutual today.  HS baseball plays in the Lookeba-Sickles tourney today. Win it all!!! 

Message to the Wind=QUIT!!!!!

7th English
*DOL wk. #27 (5&6)
*Graded p. 132 in BA
*Did p. 133-137 in BA=Author's Purpose

8th Lang. Arts
*Graded p.43-45 in ABC wb=Author's Purpose
*Discussed Propaganda Techniques p.46-48.  Do p. 48-49.  Due tomo.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Terrific Tuesday Totally Tubular

Here it is, Tuesday, and I can't wait till Friday!!  C'mon week--roll by quick!  I finally got the low down on who all made the OKC show sale.  Congrats to Sheldon, Macee, and Holly.  There are a ton of ballgames today:  HS ba here vs. Fargo; JH sb @ W'ford; HS sb @ Arapaho Fest; and 3&4 bb @ Arnett.  Whew!!  Here is a chewey morsel of school "gossip."  It seems there is a little bit of a scuttle-butt about Mr. Mclendon's two brackets and the way he is scoring the Final Four pretend pool.  Supposedly, no one is accusing him of any wrong doing--yet......
 Let it be known that no comments will be made on this blog about the validity of his brackets or his scoring procedure, until further research is done to support those "alleged" allegations.

Remember--Be FABULOUS in all you do and to all you meet!!!  Have a GREAT day!!

7th Grade
*DOL wk. #27 (3&4)
*Graded BA p.128&129.
*Assigned BA p.131&132.  Due tomo.

8th Grade
*Graded Word Origins p.33 in ABC wb.
*Discussed figurative language p.34.  Did and graded p. 35-37.
*Assigned p. 39-41.  Due tomo.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Last Full Week of School--Then 4 Day Weeks!!

I believe this is the last full 5 day week of school that we have left.  I think the rest of our weeks after this week will be four day weeks.  Congrats to all of our stock show kids that made the sale.  I'll have a list hopefully tomorrow.  HS baseball plays all this week.  JH softball plays tonight at Canute.  3&4 basketballers play tomorrow at Arnett.  A lot going on this week.  Stay healthy and focused!!

7th English
*DOL wk. #27 (172)
*Took DOL quiz #26 & graded
*Assigned Spell Less #27 and Vocab less #27

8th Lang. Arts
*American Book Co. wb p. 29-33=Vocabulary and Word Origins

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday Like a Friday

No School Tomorrow!!!  I have a song and dance that goes along with this and would perform it on request.......if I felt better.  :-)  Headed to the doctor after school today to get shots in an effort to just feel better!!  I HATE feeling sick and crappy!  I'm unfortunately going to miss the town clean-up today after school.  I feel bad about that.  :(  Okc stock show is still going on.  I've heard some of our kids have done really well.  I will try to have a list next week.  The 7th grade took Spelling test #26, graded spelling wb, and graded vocab. wb. today.  We will grade BA assignment on Monday.  The 8th grade were given "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" novels and assigned to read Chapt. 1 by Monday.  This is the only book we will read and do for creative book reports this last 9wks period. 

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day.  So here is some fun trivia for all the green leprechauns out there.
  • St. Patrick's Day is an Irish holiday celebrated all around the globe to honor the patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick.
  • Saint Patrick is traditionally thought to have lived between 432-461 A.D.
  • Saint Patrick is credited with converting the nobles; Saint Patrick is also credited with bringing written word to Ireland through the promotion of the study of the Bible.
  • It is believed that Saint Patrick died on March 17 in the year 461 AD, which explains why we celebrate on that date in honor of this holy man.
  • The harp is the symbol of Ireland. The color green is also commonly associated with Ireland, also known as “the Emerald Isle.”
  • 34 million Americans have Irish ancestry.
  • One traditional icon of the day is the shamrock. This stems from an Irish tale that tells how Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Trinity. He used it in his sermons to represent how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate elements of the same entity.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Only One More Day!!

Only one more day left of school for this week and then it's enjoy a few days off!!  I'm ready.  Not a lot of new news to discuss.  Don't forget the town wide clean-up tomorrow.  Meet at the quick stop after school. 

7th English
*DOL's wk #26 (3&4)
*Graded BA from yesterday. 
*Assigned BA p. 127-130.  Due tomo.
*Spell test tomo as well as Spell. wb due and Vocab wb due.

8th Lang. Arts
*Graded Idiom Worksheet.
*Tomo we will grade personification worksheet

Monday, March 14, 2011

Starting Off the Short Week!!

Only 3 days of school this week. I just gotta say--Thank Goodness for Spring Break days!!  Good luck to the 7&8 academic team as they go to a triad today at Vici at noon.  Junior high baseball at Shattuck today at 4:30 and at Vici tomorrow at 4:30.  Softball season finally opens up for jh and hs tomorrow night at Shattuck at 4:30.  Don't forget the town clean-up Wednesday after school at the Bison Quick Stop at 3:30. 
The 8th grade started watching a movie today.  However, unbeknownst to me, it is one that Mrs. Kauk  covers with her students as sophomores, so we will not continue with it.  The 8th grade will not like this, but we will probably start in tomorrow with info they need to know for the reading test in April.  We have less than four weeks to prepare for that.  I was willing to make an exception to the tight timetable for the great movie, but since we are not able to watch it now, it's back to the grindstone!! 

7th Grade
*Dol wk. #26
*Spelling Less. #26
*Vocab Less. #26
*BA p.119-122.=Due tomo.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Friday!!

I'm so glad it's Friday, although it does seem like the week has flown by!  I'm a little under the weather today--headcold crud, sore throat, ears popping.  I'm probably getting sick, and I have big weekend plans!!  That's so typical of my luck!  The highschool baseball boys are still in the Dover Festival and are still in search for a "W."  Highschool softball opens up with Mooreland today here at 4:30.  Today in class, the 8th graders had a party to celebrate being done with the Writing Test.  The 7th graders took their Spelling Test #25, along with grading their Spelling Wb and Vocab. Wb.#25.  I hope everyone has a super fantastic and safe weekend.  Be FABULOUS in all you do and to whomever you meet!!  (That's become my new little reflection statement. :-)  C Ya!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Approaching the End of the Week

The highschool baseball boys go to the Dover Festival today.  Good luck to them.  The boater safety course finished up last night.  I've heard lots of kids make positive comments about that and all the things they learned from that program.  The OKC stock show starts tomorrow and runs through all of next week.  Today during first hour I had a BIG talk with the 7th grade concerning AR tests.  Hopefully some "life lessons" were learned.  Spelling and Vocab Less. #25 are still due for them tomorrow.  The 8th grade got to have a free day as we planned for a party tomorrow.  We are celebrating that the Writing Test is over.  Yay!!!!  Since next week is only a 3 day week, we are watching a movie.  The following week, however, it's back to work!!  One test down--reading test to go!!  I hope everyone has a great day and makes GOOD CHOICES throughout the rest of the week. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Windy Wednesday Go Away!!!

I hate the cold wind!!  What happened to the 70 degree weather I was loving??  I wish it would come back.  This weather is affecting my mood and my running!  The Five County Conference All-Star Banquet was last night in Elk City.  8th Graders took the Writing Test today.  Boater Safety Course continues tonight at 3:30-5:45.  The 7th Graders had a 2 day assignment from yesterday.  It is due tomorrow.  Hope everyone gets through "hump day."  Have a good one!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Grades To Be Sent Home Soon!!

Teachers grades are due today, which means they will be sent home to the students soon.  8th writing test is tomorrow.  The rain is much needed.  I thought we might not have school if the electricity stayed off.  But it came back on and here we are.  JH baseball game got cancelled today.  Town pick-up trash day is post-poned until next Wednesday.


7th English
*Graded Vocab Wb. #24
*Assigned Less. #25 in Spelling and Vocab.
*Assigned BA p.119-126=Figurative Language.  Due Thurs.  Students will have tomo to work on it as I will be with the 8th graders for their writing test during first hour.

8th Lang. Arts
*Continued to work on getting ready for writing test tomo.  Discussed how they evaluate/score the test and read some sample writings.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Getting Geared Up for Testing!!

The 8th Grade state mandated writing test is Wednesday.  We have worked hard, especially this last 9 week period.  I hope everyone will perform well.  I had a great weekend at the small school state basketball tournament.  There was some really good ball being played, and most of the games were fairly close in their scores.   Baseball season officially kicks off today.  There is a boater safety course after school this week for kids that want to drive jet skiis.  Teachers must have their grades posted by noon tomorrow, so report cards can be printed and sent out later this week.  The weather is warming up.  Now if the wind will just die down.

7th English
*Graded DOL's and journals.
*Took Spell. #24 test.  Wb counted as bonus.
*Will grade Vocab wb #24 tomo.

8th Lang. Arts
*Looked at sample writing training and anchor sets from  random 8th grade students across the state from various years.  Explained to students how they "score" their essays in the 5 categories.  Discussed in great detail the process.  We will continue this in Enhancement today and tomorrow as well.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why Are All of the GS Teachers Wearing Hats???

Today is "Read Across America Day" for the Pre-K thru 5th grade.  Keeping with the spirit of the day, all of the gradeschool teachers are wearing "Cat in the Hat" hats and big red bow ties to honor Dr. Seuss.  Cute and fun!! There is a 5&6 Academic Bowl at Canute today.  Tomorrow is the end of the 3rd 9 week period.

7th English
*Used today as a catch-up day.  All late/missed work was due today. 
*9 weeks test is tomorrow over "Main Idea" from their Break Away books.
*Journals and Dol's due Monday.
*Spell. Test #24 and Vocab #24 due Monday.

8th Lang. Arts
*No 9wks test for this class since their state writing test is next week.
*Today they had 3 writing prompt choices.  They picked one and wrote the entire hour. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is It Tuesday?!?!

OMG!!!!  Another sick kidlet at my house has caused me to lose track of the day of the week!!  I am so behind here at school my head is churning!!  Gabe is feeling better though.  Now we can only hope that Mamma doesn't get sick since Daddy got the bug yesterday.  :(  Today is Gabe's 13th birthday!!  Happy Birthday Gabbles!!!  I can remember bringing him home from the Okmulgee hospital--long story that involves me coaching for the state tourn--like it was yesterday.......Ahhh, good times!!
Good luck to all kids that are showing/showed in the Woodward Stock Show this week.  Small school State Basketball Tournament starts Thursday--always exciting and a great opportunity to see old friends.  The 270 Conf. All-Star game was last night.  Congrats to Hailey, Sydney, Taya, Drew, Sheldon, and Evin for making it.  No school on Friday.  Woo Hoo!!  Today was the last day to give me a book report.  Some kiddos did not give me both book reports, which means they will be taking zeros!!  Uh-oh!!

7th English
*Journals are due next Monday, March 7th. The scale was given to students today and they were encouraged to write it down.
*Dol's are also due Monday, March 7th. The scale was given to students today and they were encouraged to write it down.
*Listened to book reports.
*Told students that had late work what it was and that it's due tomo.
*Worked on Spell. Less #24 and Vocab #24.  Due Thurs.

8th Lang. Arts
*Listen to oral book reports.
*Read aloud and discussed the essays from yesterday's writing prompt "My most memorable teacher."
*Writing test next week=Wed or Thurs March 9 or 10.