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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We Miss You Josh!!!

It has been a week since I blogged, but a lot has happened that caused this.  One of the 8th grade boys was in a tragic car accident Tuesday evening southwest of Leedey.  He had to be medflighted by helicopter from the pasture and dirt road where the accident occurred to OU Medical Trauma Center in Oklahoma City.  This has affected my 8th graders and myself BIG TIME!!  Halloween, on that next day, Wednesday, just wasn't as jovial and festive as normal.  We have all been worried sick about Joshua.  He is still in ICU, but he is doing much better.  Here is a list of Josh's injuries:  broken collar bone; broken cheekbone; 2 spots on the brain that the CAT scan shows as looking ok, but the doctors are watching closely, although they don't think there is major brain trauma; both legs broken and he has had numerous long surgeries putting rods and pins in legs; a huge rod in his broken pelvis; numerous broken ribs; and  a punctured (but not collapsed) lung.  He was taken off of the ventilator Sunday and he started talking some Sunday evening--definitely good signs!!! Josh definitely has a long road of recovery ahead of him, but we are thankful he is alive and eventually going to be ok.  We need to keep him and his family in our thoughts and prayers.

The last two days the 8th graders were given a Persuasive Writing Prompt about whether or not classes in school should be boys and girls together or just same sex classes.  Students must write a 5 paragraph essay, picking a side and giving details to support their opinions.  Students will get a grade on their pre-writing notes and a grade on their rough draft, which is all due tomorrow. 

Tomorrow I will blog again and continue on with my little story that I'm writing.

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