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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thrilling Thursday

Here it is Thursday already.  It seems as if the week has trekked by again with blinding speed.  Both JH boys and girls basketball teams play at Cheyenne tonight in the semi-finals round of the Hammon/Cheyenne Tournament.  Good luck to them.  Today they 8th graders got to hear my soap box speech about their attitudes and behaviors toward my substitute yesterday.  Frustrating to say the least.  I don't know why certain students act they way they act.  Hmmmm---puzzling.

***We graded the 2 worksheets I left for them yesterday.  We graded the Vocab wb Less. #13.  Vocab quiz is tomorrow.

Josh update:  I saw Josh yesterday when I was in OKC for my doctor's appt.  He was asleep though.  He had just taken some pain meds.  He looked pretty good though; much better than he had looked on Saturday.  He's even been up in his wheelchair scooting around.  We were going to talk to him today in class via Skype, but something happened and we didn't get to.  Maybe tomo....

And now continuing on with my story....

     We liked being farm kids, or I did anyway, for the most part.  But if I'm being honest, I'd have to admit that during the time when I was supposed to be doing my chores, like filling up the big water troughs for our heifer calves in the north lot or maybe even when I was bottle feeding the baby holsteins at the chicken house, my mind would wander and I longed for and dreamed of the day when I could leave the farm and live the high life in the big city. Those dreams though seemed like eons of years away, and I was just struggling to get through basketball practice and survive the pressures of high school.

    "So are you going to town tonight or you got a date with precious Bobby?"  Randi asked, mostly just joking, but also letting me know that she and Shawna, my two best friends in the whole universe, missed me and really wanted to hang out.

     "Precious Bobby wants to hang with the boys," I answered.  "That's what he told me last night on the phone.  I think that just 'code' for there's a party and he wants to go.  He knows I won't go with him.  He knows I'm not into that."

     "Well, why is it when he wants to hang with the boys, you let him.  But when we want you to hang out with us, you never do.  You always pick him over us.  Why is that?"  retorted Shawna, with more of a hurt look in her eyes than her sarcastice tone would let on.

     And she did have a valid point.  Why did I let Bobby control my free time, what little bit I had, like that?  If he said "Jump!" I said "how high?" but when I said "Jump!" he would just looked at me like I was stupid.  And then I would start to feel stupid.  And self-conscious.  And unworthy.  I considered myself to be a very confident and fiercely independant teenage girl, but when it came to Bobby....I don't know.  It's like he had some type of hold over me.

Until tomo....... :)

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