Boy oh boy--no shorts today!! Was that really just a few days ago I made the post about so hot I could wear shorts outside??!!? Although I despise the wind, I must say, I'm glad the colder weather arrived. It seems more like December, which puts me in the Christmas spirit! Getting my house completely decorated has helped as well. And there is nothing quite like a warm, crackling fire to make me wanna hum those Christmas carols. Ahhhh--can't wait!
Vocab. Wb Less #17 is due Thursday and we will take the quiz Thursday.
Journals are due Friday. A grade scale was given to students today. We will grade those together in class Friday. Should take 15 min.
Book Reports are due Friday. That's the last day to give them. After grading the journals we will take the remainder of class to hear the oral book reports. I do NOT recommend waiting until the last day to give reports.
All this week we are working on our Prezi Presentations=Similes and Metaphors in song. These are small group projects that are due next Monday and count as their 9 wks test.
A newsletter on steroids telling all about Mrs. Gore and her 8th grade English students at Leedey.
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Monday, December 10, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Spelling, Similes, Metaphors, & Shorts??
It's hard to get into the Christmas spirit when I feel like wearing shorts outside. It's NOT beginning to look a lot like Christmas....yet. It definitely doesn't FEEL like Christmas. But we do still have a couple of weeks until the season is upon us.
Today in class we finished up Unit 3 in our Buckle Down textbooks. We did the spelling lessons and all the practice activities that go along with the lessons. Students did work together as a class and handed in for a participation grade.
Students also turned in their proofreading assignment from yesterday. We graded their Vocab Wb. Less. #16. The vocab quiz is tomorrow.
We also talked about their upcoming 9 weeks test next week. They will work in partners and they will make a Prezi over Similes & Metaphors used in songs. Bonus points will be awarded if at least one of their song choices is a Christmas song. Prezi's are due Monday, Dec. 17th. This will count as their 9 weeks test. I will give them a criteria sheet as to how I will grade their Prezi's.
Good News----Josh came home last Friday!!!! We were so glad and relieved as a class to hear the news. We went outside that day and cheered him and his family on as they drove by the school on their way home. He will be coming to school just a few days a week for part of a day. He has really recovered quickly and is doing quite well considering the extent of his injuries. We need to continue to think and pray for him and his family. He still has quite a few challenges ahead of him. But he is finally home!!!
Today in class we finished up Unit 3 in our Buckle Down textbooks. We did the spelling lessons and all the practice activities that go along with the lessons. Students did work together as a class and handed in for a participation grade.
Students also turned in their proofreading assignment from yesterday. We graded their Vocab Wb. Less. #16. The vocab quiz is tomorrow.
We also talked about their upcoming 9 weeks test next week. They will work in partners and they will make a Prezi over Similes & Metaphors used in songs. Bonus points will be awarded if at least one of their song choices is a Christmas song. Prezi's are due Monday, Dec. 17th. This will count as their 9 weeks test. I will give them a criteria sheet as to how I will grade their Prezi's.
Good News----Josh came home last Friday!!!! We were so glad and relieved as a class to hear the news. We went outside that day and cheered him and his family on as they drove by the school on their way home. He will be coming to school just a few days a week for part of a day. He has really recovered quickly and is doing quite well considering the extent of his injuries. We need to continue to think and pray for him and his family. He still has quite a few challenges ahead of him. But he is finally home!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Hump Day--C'mon Friday!!
Today in class we continued with our peer reviews of our persuasive essays. The final copy is due Friday at the end of class. Vocab. wb less. #14 is due tomo. Quiz is on Friday. Students can work on revising and re-writing their rough drafts tomorrow and Friday. We are having a 1,000 blog hits party tomorrow during the last 20 minutes of class. I also told the students I'd like for them to write another letter to Josh. This is optional. I need those though by Friday.
And my story continues......
"Well, I don't care what the reason is--I'm just glad your free tonight and you can go to town with us!!"exclaimed Randi, leaning over in her chair and giving me a quick hug.
I could always count on Randi to make me feel better.
"Yeah, I think I can," I said, "but I'll have to do my chores first. What time are you guys wanting to go?" I was hoping they would say 8:00 p.m. That would give me plenty of time for the fresh cows to come in for milking, so I would have enough milk to bottle feed our 20 baby calves. We had a lot of baby calves right now, all heifers, which means when you live on a dairy farm, you keep them 'cuz that's money in the milk tank down the road. We usually sold the bull baby calves, and my dear old dad did NOT believe in feeding any of the babies milk replacer. He believed, and was of course right, that the milk from the Momma cows was way healthier and better digestively for the baby calves than the powdered-junk you could buy at the Co-op. But for me, as a 16 year old girl, anxiously wanting to get to Kingfishy to drag main with my friends, I hated waiting for those darned old cows to come into the milk barn. I swear it's like they had radar and knew when it was a Saturday night that I didn't have a ballgame and purposely came in towards the last! My mom would then have to milk them in the bucket, seperate from the big tank, which took extra time. All that hooking up the hoses and adjusting the bowls, while flipping certain levers on our milking system was just another process that slowed me down. Real milk--just so those dad-burned baby holsteins and guernsey calves could be healthy! It took forever doing it the right way. Little did I know this was just one of many lessons on the farm that would later translate to basketball, as well as my adult life. Sometimes doing things right isn't nearly as quick or as fun, but it is usually what's best and necessary.
And my story continues......
"Well, I don't care what the reason is--I'm just glad your free tonight and you can go to town with us!!"exclaimed Randi, leaning over in her chair and giving me a quick hug.
I could always count on Randi to make me feel better.
"Yeah, I think I can," I said, "but I'll have to do my chores first. What time are you guys wanting to go?" I was hoping they would say 8:00 p.m. That would give me plenty of time for the fresh cows to come in for milking, so I would have enough milk to bottle feed our 20 baby calves. We had a lot of baby calves right now, all heifers, which means when you live on a dairy farm, you keep them 'cuz that's money in the milk tank down the road. We usually sold the bull baby calves, and my dear old dad did NOT believe in feeding any of the babies milk replacer. He believed, and was of course right, that the milk from the Momma cows was way healthier and better digestively for the baby calves than the powdered-junk you could buy at the Co-op. But for me, as a 16 year old girl, anxiously wanting to get to Kingfishy to drag main with my friends, I hated waiting for those darned old cows to come into the milk barn. I swear it's like they had radar and knew when it was a Saturday night that I didn't have a ballgame and purposely came in towards the last! My mom would then have to milk them in the bucket, seperate from the big tank, which took extra time. All that hooking up the hoses and adjusting the bowls, while flipping certain levers on our milking system was just another process that slowed me down. Real milk--just so those dad-burned baby holsteins and guernsey calves could be healthy! It took forever doing it the right way. Little did I know this was just one of many lessons on the farm that would later translate to basketball, as well as my adult life. Sometimes doing things right isn't nearly as quick or as fun, but it is usually what's best and necessary.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Monday, Monday...
So thankful for the RAIN over the weekend!!!!! And the cooler weather. I like Fall to feel like Fall because it's definitely starting to look like Fall. The colors this time of year are another thing I am very thankful for.
This week in class we are learning how to revise and edit with the Process of Writing. We went over Less. #11 in Buckle Down books and also looked at the persuasive rubric in the Write Source textbook on p.256-257. I will pass out their persuasive 5 paragraph essays from last week tomorrow. They will pick a peer to read their essay and start peer revisions. We will do peer and self-revisions tomorrow and Wednesday. Then start re-writting our rough drafts on Thursday. Final copies are due Friday. Vocab Wb Less. #14 due Thurs and quiz Friday. We will have 6 academic vocabulary words this week as well.
Josh update:
He had a bit of a set back over weekend. He was throwing up--doctors not sure why, so they moved him back to ICU for a day or two. He is going to be moved to Children's Hospital where they will start his rehab. He has been in a wheelchair a few times. Josh was texting me some last night. He read all of the 8th graders letters. He and his mom were very moved by them. And they made him smile and laugh. :)
This week in class we are learning how to revise and edit with the Process of Writing. We went over Less. #11 in Buckle Down books and also looked at the persuasive rubric in the Write Source textbook on p.256-257. I will pass out their persuasive 5 paragraph essays from last week tomorrow. They will pick a peer to read their essay and start peer revisions. We will do peer and self-revisions tomorrow and Wednesday. Then start re-writting our rough drafts on Thursday. Final copies are due Friday. Vocab Wb Less. #14 due Thurs and quiz Friday. We will have 6 academic vocabulary words this week as well.
Josh update:
He had a bit of a set back over weekend. He was throwing up--doctors not sure why, so they moved him back to ICU for a day or two. He is going to be moved to Children's Hospital where they will start his rehab. He has been in a wheelchair a few times. Josh was texting me some last night. He read all of the 8th graders letters. He and his mom were very moved by them. And they made him smile and laugh. :)
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thrilling Thursday
Here it is Thursday already. It seems as if the week has trekked by again with blinding speed. Both JH boys and girls basketball teams play at Cheyenne tonight in the semi-finals round of the Hammon/Cheyenne Tournament. Good luck to them. Today they 8th graders got to hear my soap box speech about their attitudes and behaviors toward my substitute yesterday. Frustrating to say the least. I don't know why certain students act they way they act. Hmmmm---puzzling.
***We graded the 2 worksheets I left for them yesterday. We graded the Vocab wb Less. #13. Vocab quiz is tomorrow.
Josh update: I saw Josh yesterday when I was in OKC for my doctor's appt. He was asleep though. He had just taken some pain meds. He looked pretty good though; much better than he had looked on Saturday. He's even been up in his wheelchair scooting around. We were going to talk to him today in class via Skype, but something happened and we didn't get to. Maybe tomo....
And now continuing on with my story....
We liked being farm kids, or I did anyway, for the most part. But if I'm being honest, I'd have to admit that during the time when I was supposed to be doing my chores, like filling up the big water troughs for our heifer calves in the north lot or maybe even when I was bottle feeding the baby holsteins at the chicken house, my mind would wander and I longed for and dreamed of the day when I could leave the farm and live the high life in the big city. Those dreams though seemed like eons of years away, and I was just struggling to get through basketball practice and survive the pressures of high school.
"So are you going to town tonight or you got a date with precious Bobby?" Randi asked, mostly just joking, but also letting me know that she and Shawna, my two best friends in the whole universe, missed me and really wanted to hang out.
"Precious Bobby wants to hang with the boys," I answered. "That's what he told me last night on the phone. I think that just 'code' for there's a party and he wants to go. He knows I won't go with him. He knows I'm not into that."
"Well, why is it when he wants to hang with the boys, you let him. But when we want you to hang out with us, you never do. You always pick him over us. Why is that?" retorted Shawna, with more of a hurt look in her eyes than her sarcastice tone would let on.
And she did have a valid point. Why did I let Bobby control my free time, what little bit I had, like that? If he said "Jump!" I said "how high?" but when I said "Jump!" he would just looked at me like I was stupid. And then I would start to feel stupid. And self-conscious. And unworthy. I considered myself to be a very confident and fiercely independant teenage girl, but when it came to Bobby....I don't know. It's like he had some type of hold over me.
Until tomo....... :)
***We graded the 2 worksheets I left for them yesterday. We graded the Vocab wb Less. #13. Vocab quiz is tomorrow.
Josh update: I saw Josh yesterday when I was in OKC for my doctor's appt. He was asleep though. He had just taken some pain meds. He looked pretty good though; much better than he had looked on Saturday. He's even been up in his wheelchair scooting around. We were going to talk to him today in class via Skype, but something happened and we didn't get to. Maybe tomo....
And now continuing on with my story....
We liked being farm kids, or I did anyway, for the most part. But if I'm being honest, I'd have to admit that during the time when I was supposed to be doing my chores, like filling up the big water troughs for our heifer calves in the north lot or maybe even when I was bottle feeding the baby holsteins at the chicken house, my mind would wander and I longed for and dreamed of the day when I could leave the farm and live the high life in the big city. Those dreams though seemed like eons of years away, and I was just struggling to get through basketball practice and survive the pressures of high school.
"So are you going to town tonight or you got a date with precious Bobby?" Randi asked, mostly just joking, but also letting me know that she and Shawna, my two best friends in the whole universe, missed me and really wanted to hang out.
"Precious Bobby wants to hang with the boys," I answered. "That's what he told me last night on the phone. I think that just 'code' for there's a party and he wants to go. He knows I won't go with him. He knows I'm not into that."
"Well, why is it when he wants to hang with the boys, you let him. But when we want you to hang out with us, you never do. You always pick him over us. Why is that?" retorted Shawna, with more of a hurt look in her eyes than her sarcastice tone would let on.
And she did have a valid point. Why did I let Bobby control my free time, what little bit I had, like that? If he said "Jump!" I said "how high?" but when I said "Jump!" he would just looked at me like I was stupid. And then I would start to feel stupid. And self-conscious. And unworthy. I considered myself to be a very confident and fiercely independant teenage girl, but when it came to Bobby....I don't know. It's like he had some type of hold over me.
Until tomo....... :)
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
We Miss You Josh!!!
It has been a week since I blogged, but a lot has happened that caused this. One of the 8th grade boys was in a tragic car accident Tuesday evening southwest of Leedey. He had to be medflighted by helicopter from the pasture and dirt road where the accident occurred to OU Medical Trauma Center in Oklahoma City. This has affected my 8th graders and myself BIG TIME!! Halloween, on that next day, Wednesday, just wasn't as jovial and festive as normal. We have all been worried sick about Joshua. He is still in ICU, but he is doing much better. Here is a list of Josh's injuries: broken collar bone; broken cheekbone; 2 spots on the brain that the CAT scan shows as looking ok, but the doctors are watching closely, although they don't think there is major brain trauma; both legs broken and he has had numerous long surgeries putting rods and pins in legs; a huge rod in his broken pelvis; numerous broken ribs; and a punctured (but not collapsed) lung. He was taken off of the ventilator Sunday and he started talking some Sunday evening--definitely good signs!!! Josh definitely has a long road of recovery ahead of him, but we are thankful he is alive and eventually going to be ok. We need to keep him and his family in our thoughts and prayers.
The last two days the 8th graders were given a Persuasive Writing Prompt about whether or not classes in school should be boys and girls together or just same sex classes. Students must write a 5 paragraph essay, picking a side and giving details to support their opinions. Students will get a grade on their pre-writing notes and a grade on their rough draft, which is all due tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will blog again and continue on with my little story that I'm writing.
The last two days the 8th graders were given a Persuasive Writing Prompt about whether or not classes in school should be boys and girls together or just same sex classes. Students must write a 5 paragraph essay, picking a side and giving details to support their opinions. Students will get a grade on their pre-writing notes and a grade on their rough draft, which is all due tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will blog again and continue on with my little story that I'm writing.
Monday, October 29, 2012
All Hallow's Eve Right Around the Bend...
Spooks and goblins and ghosts galore are quickly approaching the town of Leedey. Halloween is my favy fav holiday. I love the season it comes in, the colors, the smells, the fact that is has a HUGE association with chocolate candy, and the scariness of it all!! So in keeping with the Halloween mood, I've assigned a 3 paragraph Halloween essay to my 8th graders. After picking their own partner, they can pick any topic relating to Halloween. They must have two online sources and write the essay in pen or pencil, skipping lines. It's due Wednesday. We will work on them today and tomorrow. We will read them aloud to the class on All Hallow's Eve day.
And now, the continuation of my story. Dr. Kennedy suggested that if I write a paragraph each day that I blog, by the end of a school year, I might have written a novel.
"Oh great," I thought, as visions of a no-ball practiced whirred around in my 17 year old blonde head. "Oh well, just try to make the best of it. Things can always get worse!" I muttered as I hurredly joined the rest of my teammates, jumping rope and stretching as we got loose and warmed-up.
The "she" we were referring to was none other than the legendary Gina Allen, small school girls' basketball coach in western Oklahoma. She was the reason we all had a love/hate relationship with the game and a lot of times even, with her as our coach. She was, quite frankly, the best that ever coached the game of girls' basketball, and her demeanor, style of play, and coaching techniques are comparable to few, if any, then or now. My teammates and I all grew up watching her teams, our older sisters and cousins, dreaming of the one day when it would be our turn to take the court in our royal blue and white suits, representing her and our cherrished Leweyville. Basketball was all we knew in our small rural school, well, that and farming chores. Most all of the kids in Leweyville came from a farm home where hard work and harsh words were as common as dusty roads and waving wheat fields.
To be continued.......
And now, the continuation of my story. Dr. Kennedy suggested that if I write a paragraph each day that I blog, by the end of a school year, I might have written a novel.
"Oh great," I thought, as visions of a no-ball practiced whirred around in my 17 year old blonde head. "Oh well, just try to make the best of it. Things can always get worse!" I muttered as I hurredly joined the rest of my teammates, jumping rope and stretching as we got loose and warmed-up.
The "she" we were referring to was none other than the legendary Gina Allen, small school girls' basketball coach in western Oklahoma. She was the reason we all had a love/hate relationship with the game and a lot of times even, with her as our coach. She was, quite frankly, the best that ever coached the game of girls' basketball, and her demeanor, style of play, and coaching techniques are comparable to few, if any, then or now. My teammates and I all grew up watching her teams, our older sisters and cousins, dreaming of the one day when it would be our turn to take the court in our royal blue and white suits, representing her and our cherrished Leweyville. Basketball was all we knew in our small rural school, well, that and farming chores. Most all of the kids in Leweyville came from a farm home where hard work and harsh words were as common as dusty roads and waving wheat fields.
To be continued.......
Friday, October 26, 2012
Long Time No Blog!!
Gosh!! Not sure what happened as to why I haven't been blogging. It's been forever or so it seems!! I guess just busy with life and then thinking my students aren't reading my blog. Recently a complete stranger that I met at an educational conference told me she had read my blog!!! She gave me a few suggestions as to how to get the kids to read it and none the less, she has inspired me to start blogging consitantly again!! Shout out to Dr. Kennedy!! :)
The last 2 days in 8th English class:
We graded Vocab Wb Less. #12. There is no quiz for this lesson.
We did Tween Tribune which is an online website. By Monday, the students must have read 3 articles. On one, they comment like normal and submitt online. The 2nd one, they write a compare/contrast essay and submitt online. The 3rd article they must do a 3-2-1 on a piece of paper and hand in to me.
Today we read a Kelley Gallagher Article of the Week about over use with our cell phones. We did paired reading with the MAXX teaching theories. They had to do a 3-2-1 together and answer 2 questions at the end of the article. Due Mon.
I'm heeding Dr. Kennedy's advice. So here goes:
"Well, what kind of a mood do you think she's in? Scheesh, I hope it's a good one. I didn't get to eat lunch today because our class is on the last bell, and I stayed up too late talking to Bobby. I'm tired and I don't want to have a hard miserable practice!" Karen exclaimed as she frantically double knotted her blue laces on her white with blue swoosh Nike hi-top basketball shoes, all the while jerking her hair up into a messy pony tail bun.
"I'm telling ya, the jh made her mad!! That's what Krystal said. Ran the whole hour. I guess Michelle Youngblood kept dropping the ball in 3 man weave. Everyone was ready to choke Michelle by the time they ran their 3rd 5 in 1:10," Sheela explained, as she dabbed on a bit of deodorant and ran out the small baby blue door of our locker room.
To be continued.........
The last 2 days in 8th English class:
We graded Vocab Wb Less. #12. There is no quiz for this lesson.
We did Tween Tribune which is an online website. By Monday, the students must have read 3 articles. On one, they comment like normal and submitt online. The 2nd one, they write a compare/contrast essay and submitt online. The 3rd article they must do a 3-2-1 on a piece of paper and hand in to me.
Today we read a Kelley Gallagher Article of the Week about over use with our cell phones. We did paired reading with the MAXX teaching theories. They had to do a 3-2-1 together and answer 2 questions at the end of the article. Due Mon.
I'm heeding Dr. Kennedy's advice. So here goes:
"Well, what kind of a mood do you think she's in? Scheesh, I hope it's a good one. I didn't get to eat lunch today because our class is on the last bell, and I stayed up too late talking to Bobby. I'm tired and I don't want to have a hard miserable practice!" Karen exclaimed as she frantically double knotted her blue laces on her white with blue swoosh Nike hi-top basketball shoes, all the while jerking her hair up into a messy pony tail bun.
"I'm telling ya, the jh made her mad!! That's what Krystal said. Ran the whole hour. I guess Michelle Youngblood kept dropping the ball in 3 man weave. Everyone was ready to choke Michelle by the time they ran their 3rd 5 in 1:10," Sheela explained, as she dabbed on a bit of deodorant and ran out the small baby blue door of our locker room.
To be continued.........
Monday, September 17, 2012
Baseball and Softball Districts This Week
Highschool baseball and softball districts start this week. The girls actually play today at Vici, while the boys start Thursday at Cimarron. Good luck to both teams in their quest for State Tourney!!
The JH baseball boys play their last game tonight here. The JH softball girls finished last week.
In class today, we wrote in our journals about having a super power. Next we graded the Unit One Vocab Test P.33-40 in their vocab wb. Finally we discussed in our Write Source textbook p.17-21, which was about Linda's first, second, and third revisions of her rough draft.We did the "Try It" on p.17 for a grade.
Vocab Less.#7 due Thursday. Quiz on Friday.
The JH baseball boys play their last game tonight here. The JH softball girls finished last week.
In class today, we wrote in our journals about having a super power. Next we graded the Unit One Vocab Test P.33-40 in their vocab wb. Finally we discussed in our Write Source textbook p.17-21, which was about Linda's first, second, and third revisions of her rough draft.We did the "Try It" on p.17 for a grade.
Vocab Less.#7 due Thursday. Quiz on Friday.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Thursday That Feels Like Friday!!!
Even though today is Thursday, it really felt like Friday b/c we have no school tomorrow due to P.T. Conf. from 9:00-noon. We also have them tonight from 4-8. Hope parents can attend either day, as communication between teacher, student, and parent is vital to overall success. It's nice having another 4 day week--well almost. I guess really 4.5 days for us teachers. lol :)
And I must comment on the rain. Love the rain!!! We needed it so badly. Plus the cooler temps--just wonderful. I'm truthfully excited about running tomorrow morning in 50ish degree weather. I've been so sick of the heat!!
Today in 8th English we graded our Vocab wb less. #6. We also worked on and hopefully finished our Article of the Week partner project with the reflective paragraph at the end. It is due Monday.
I assigned the Unit 1 Vocab Tests 1-4 (p.33-40.) Due Monday.
Don't forget to be reading. Each student must give me two oral book reports over a book of their choice before this 9wk grading period is up. Not very many have even given me one book report yet!! Uh-oh.
Have a great 3 day weekend!!!!!
And I must comment on the rain. Love the rain!!! We needed it so badly. Plus the cooler temps--just wonderful. I'm truthfully excited about running tomorrow morning in 50ish degree weather. I've been so sick of the heat!!
Today in 8th English we graded our Vocab wb less. #6. We also worked on and hopefully finished our Article of the Week partner project with the reflective paragraph at the end. It is due Monday.
I assigned the Unit 1 Vocab Tests 1-4 (p.33-40.) Due Monday.
Don't forget to be reading. Each student must give me two oral book reports over a book of their choice before this 9wk grading period is up. Not very many have even given me one book report yet!! Uh-oh.
Have a great 3 day weekend!!!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Learning the Writing Process
In class today, we continued with learning the Writing Process from our Write Source textbooks (p.9-17). Yesterday we discussed pre-writing and how to get ideas about our topic. Today we organized those ideas and learned how to write our first rough draft. We are going through one writer's process, fictitional Linda, as she writes a personal narrative over an experince she had last summer on the Freedom Schooner Amistad. We did "Try It" on p.16 and turned it in for a grade.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Get Monday Done Right!!!
If you want to get your week started off on the right note, it's important to look forward to Monday and get it done right!! I had a great day today, and it started out with waking up early to run, which is a challenge, but always puts me in a positive mood for the day. Time flew by today, but I was able to get a lot of "rat killing" done so to speak. That always makes a person feel good. And I got my Monday done right!! :)
Today in class we did our Journal—Sept. is Nat. Self-Improvement Month. Name 3 ways you could improve yourself.
Then we discussed “One Writer’s Process” p.9-17 from textbook. We did all of the “Try It’s” on p.12, 13, and 14, which mostly dealt with the Pre-Writing step of the Writing Process. Handed those in for a grade. Will continue tomo with “Try It’s” on p.15, 16, & 17.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Yea!!!!! Finally Friday and for this only being a 4 day week, it really trudged along. Seemed like the week crawled by!!
Congrats to both HS softball girls and baseball boys for their victories last night over Mangum and Cheyenne respectively. The JH boys game against Arnett was post-poned until tonight. So today after school I'm making the long boring trek out to Arnett and back. Big Friday night plans. :)
In class today we handed in the 3-2-1 over the sports magazine article. I will grade those. We also took a grade over the reading comprehension worksheets from yesterday. We took and graded Vocab. Quiz #5. I was going to take grades over the online assignment that I made yesterday, but the grades didn't look so good. :( I'm thinking we better go over it together again and re-take the quiz. It was over punctuation with direct quotes. No homework over the weekend.
Hope you have a great weekend!!! :)
Congrats to both HS softball girls and baseball boys for their victories last night over Mangum and Cheyenne respectively. The JH boys game against Arnett was post-poned until tonight. So today after school I'm making the long boring trek out to Arnett and back. Big Friday night plans. :)
In class today we handed in the 3-2-1 over the sports magazine article. I will grade those. We also took a grade over the reading comprehension worksheets from yesterday. We took and graded Vocab. Quiz #5. I was going to take grades over the online assignment that I made yesterday, but the grades didn't look so good. :( I'm thinking we better go over it together again and re-take the quiz. It was over punctuation with direct quotes. No homework over the weekend.
Hope you have a great weekend!!! :)
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Thanks For the Rain!!!!
So, so, so glad that we got some rain last night. It was very much needed. I wish it would have cooled the temp down a bit. They say that's going to happen this weekend. I hope so. I'M SICK OF HOT WEATHER!!!!!!!! It puts me in a bad mood. It is affecting my ability to run and work out. I'm ready to wear long sleeves and boots!! Please get cooler!
Today I cut the 8th grade some slack b/c they had been doing the Explore (pre-ACT) test all morning with Mrs. Harrel and even had to finish it after my class this afternoon. So because they assured me that their brains were too fried to work for me, I let them work on Vocab. Less. #5 wb, which is due tomorrow. The vocab quiz is on Friday. I also assigned a 3-2-1 over a sports magazine that is due Friday. The 3-2-1 must be written down to turn in. A reminder for the 3-2-1= 3 main ideas/points; 2 ideas you learned that were new; and 1 thing you didn't understand--and it can't be a vocab word this week. That is what we did in class today with fried brains and all. :)
Today I cut the 8th grade some slack b/c they had been doing the Explore (pre-ACT) test all morning with Mrs. Harrel and even had to finish it after my class this afternoon. So because they assured me that their brains were too fried to work for me, I let them work on Vocab. Less. #5 wb, which is due tomorrow. The vocab quiz is on Friday. I also assigned a 3-2-1 over a sports magazine that is due Friday. The 3-2-1 must be written down to turn in. A reminder for the 3-2-1= 3 main ideas/points; 2 ideas you learned that were new; and 1 thing you didn't understand--and it can't be a vocab word this week. That is what we did in class today with fried brains and all. :)
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Thank Goodness it's Thursday!!!!
As the week comes closer to a close, I gave the 8th graders numerous assignments that will be due when they come back Tues. Sept.4.
Due tomorrow=Vocab Quiz Less.#4.
Due Tues. Sept.4=
*Health Mag Info text. Give a 3-2-1 orally.
*Online assign over Capitalization. If students don't have access to a computer at home, they must find the time during/before/and after school to get this done.
*Wb p.9&10=Commas
Students will not have much class time to work on these assignments tomorrow.
Due tomorrow=Vocab Quiz Less.#4.
Due Tues. Sept.4=
*Health Mag Info text. Give a 3-2-1 orally.
*Online assign over Capitalization. If students don't have access to a computer at home, they must find the time during/before/and after school to get this done.
*Wb p.9&10=Commas
Students will not have much class time to work on these assignments tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Wild Wednesday!!!!!!
Today was a fun day in class. We created our Avatars for our new online Write Source textbooks. That took a long time!!!! Then we "played around" on the site to try and figure some of the new cool interactive stuff out!! Good news students--I figured out how to create an assignment!! (insert cheers and applause here :)
Tomo Vocab Less. #4 is due. We will grade it. The quiz will be Friday. Rest up and enjoy a night off.
Tomo Vocab Less. #4 is due. We will grade it. The quiz will be Friday. Rest up and enjoy a night off.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Terrific Tuesday!!
Busy, busy, busy Tuesday. The 8th graders are at this moment taking the CoAg test with Mrs. Harrel. Later today we have JH baseball here at 4:30 against Arnett. The HS softball plays Elk City and W'ford at Elk City after school sometime. Don't forget the FFA kids started their meat sales yesterday.
Today in class we briefly reviewed the "Process of Writing" steps. Pre-writing, Writing, Revising, Editing, and Publishing are the 5 steps that we will be learning in greater detail this entire year. Then the last 10 minutes of class, we logged onto our new textbooks website and tried to create our Avatars. Took us awhile to figure out how to log in, so we didn't have much time to "play with" our avatars. Tomorrow during class, we will finish designing them and probably do an online assignment.
Today in class we briefly reviewed the "Process of Writing" steps. Pre-writing, Writing, Revising, Editing, and Publishing are the 5 steps that we will be learning in greater detail this entire year. Then the last 10 minutes of class, we logged onto our new textbooks website and tried to create our Avatars. Took us awhile to figure out how to log in, so we didn't have much time to "play with" our avatars. Tomorrow during class, we will finish designing them and probably do an online assignment.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Hello Heat!!
Gosh--I thought the cooler Fall weather was here to stay and then I looked at the forecast for this week. Some days will get up into the 100's. Oh Boy!!!! Where's the water park??!!
FFA meat sales start today. Support these kids and buy some Blue and Gold. JH and HS sb at Shatty. HS baseball at Hydro-Eakly Tourn all this week and possibly next Monday.
Today in 8th English we discussed page1-3 in Write Source textbook. We did two small short writing activities in class and handed them in if students got finished. We wrote in our Journals. I also assigned Vocab. Wb Less.#5--due Thurs.
FFA meat sales start today. Support these kids and buy some Blue and Gold. JH and HS sb at Shatty. HS baseball at Hydro-Eakly Tourn all this week and possibly next Monday.
Today in 8th English we discussed page1-3 in Write Source textbook. We did two small short writing activities in class and handed them in if students got finished. We wrote in our Journals. I also assigned Vocab. Wb Less.#5--due Thurs.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Thunder-ific Thursday!!
What a welcome the thunder was this morning as it meant that rain would probably follow. I am so thankful for the rain!!!!!! Hope it continues through the evening. We all desperately need the moisture. The cooler weather is a welcomed relief also.
Today we graded all of the worksheets from yesterday. That was 3 seperate grades. We handed in the T-chart from their magazine articles. I will grade those. I haven't posted any grades yet for the 8th grade. I plan to do that today after school. So far, I've taken 10 grades. I just need to get them on the computer.
Tomorrow Vocab wb. Less. #3 is due. After grading wb, we will take the vocab quiz. If the students bring their library book, they will get bonus points for their quiz. I will start listening to oral book reports then, if necessary.
Today we graded all of the worksheets from yesterday. That was 3 seperate grades. We handed in the T-chart from their magazine articles. I will grade those. I haven't posted any grades yet for the 8th grade. I plan to do that today after school. So far, I've taken 10 grades. I just need to get them on the computer.
Tomorrow Vocab wb. Less. #3 is due. After grading wb, we will take the vocab quiz. If the students bring their library book, they will get bonus points for their quiz. I will start listening to oral book reports then, if necessary.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Just Tuesday???
This week seems to be dragging slowly along!! I'm tired and feel like it's Thursday and I've been in school for a week! lol :) I need to get more rest at night or on the weekends--something!!
Tomorrow I will be gone, so I passed out all of the worksheets for tomo and went over them with the kids. This is what they are doing.
Tomorrow I will be gone, so I passed out all of the worksheets for tomo and went over them with the kids. This is what they are doing.
· Vampire Reading Comprehension worksheet.(p.26-27)
· Week 1&2 Proofreading worksheet.(p.4&6)
· Wb. p. 5-6=comma’s between items in a series
· Finish the T-chart.
· All of those 4 assignments are due tomorrow—Thursday.
· Can also work on Vocab wb. Less.#3—Due Friday
Friday, August 17, 2012
Glad to see the weekend get here!!! We all survived the first week!! The Leedey HS SB Tourn. is still going on. Go out and support the Lady Bison. The JH boys play in the Sentinel Festival tomorrow. Hope its cooler weather like we are having today.
In class today we took our Vocab Quiz over Less.#2. Most students did well. Then we started on our oral reports over our magazine articles. We only had time for Kaleb, Kyler, Abby, and Gabe to give theirs. The rest of the class will finish theirs on Monday. They have to add, at the end of their oral report, 1-2 things they learned new and 1-2 things they didn't really understand. Make sure that you are paraphrasing to me the MAIN IDEA. A few of the students that gave their reports today seemed to be a skosh fuzzy on the main idea. We got a bit bogged down with unimportant details.
In class today we took our Vocab Quiz over Less.#2. Most students did well. Then we started on our oral reports over our magazine articles. We only had time for Kaleb, Kyler, Abby, and Gabe to give theirs. The rest of the class will finish theirs on Monday. They have to add, at the end of their oral report, 1-2 things they learned new and 1-2 things they didn't really understand. Make sure that you are paraphrasing to me the MAIN IDEA. A few of the students that gave their reports today seemed to be a skosh fuzzy on the main idea. We got a bit bogged down with unimportant details.

Thursday, August 16, 2012
Only One More Day till Weekend!!
Gosh!! This week has flown by. Everything is going fast and furious. The HS softball Leedey Tourn. is going on today thru Sat. Some of the JH softball girls have to help with that. The JH baseball boys play at the Sentinel Festival Sat. Lots of activities to keep people entertained and busy.
Today in class we continued to Journal with our two characters that we created and actually started dialogue between the two relating to their conflict and setting. We will continue to work with that the next few days. We graded the Vocab Wb Less. #2. There is a 10 question quiz over those 10 words tomo. We also checked out magazines from the library and the students picked an article that they want to give a 2-3 min. oral report over. They can only take note cards up to the front of the class with them and it is due tomo. They must also use the sticky arrow notes (that I gave them) to make these marks in the non fictional texts: things that are important; things they learned new; things they don't understand. Tomo after finishing the oral reports, we will grade their Scavenger Hunt worksheets.
Rock On!!
Today in class we continued to Journal with our two characters that we created and actually started dialogue between the two relating to their conflict and setting. We will continue to work with that the next few days. We graded the Vocab Wb Less. #2. There is a 10 question quiz over those 10 words tomo. We also checked out magazines from the library and the students picked an article that they want to give a 2-3 min. oral report over. They can only take note cards up to the front of the class with them and it is due tomo. They must also use the sticky arrow notes (that I gave them) to make these marks in the non fictional texts: things that are important; things they learned new; things they don't understand. Tomo after finishing the oral reports, we will grade their Scavenger Hunt worksheets.
Rock On!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
8th Grade all about Extra-Curricular Activities
School is definitely in full force and the 8th graders lives are starting to get very busy as extra-curricular activities have begun. JH softball girls are at Shatty and the JH baseball boys play at Vici tonight. I however, am still struggling to get in my groove as I realized I didn't blog Friday or yesterday. Yikes!!!! You'de think I had ballgames or something to distract my brain. lol. :) Mrs. Gore---get with the program!! Scheesh!
In class today we wrote about 2 fictional characters in our Journal. All week we will work with these characters and write about them, as we begin learning about Narratives. Vocab wb. less. #2 was assigned and those 4 wb pages are due Thurs. On Friday we will have a quiz over those 10 words. I also gave the students a Scavenger Hunt worksheet front & back that teaches them how to use the book--table of contents, index, etc. This worksheet is due tomo. Most students were half-way finished when we stopped to go to the library to check out a book for one of their book reports this 9 wks. It is Student's Choice and they must read 2 books and give me two oral reports before the 9 wk period is up.
Enjoy your evening--Later Gators. :)
In class today we wrote about 2 fictional characters in our Journal. All week we will work with these characters and write about them, as we begin learning about Narratives. Vocab wb. less. #2 was assigned and those 4 wb pages are due Thurs. On Friday we will have a quiz over those 10 words. I also gave the students a Scavenger Hunt worksheet front & back that teaches them how to use the book--table of contents, index, etc. This worksheet is due tomo. Most students were half-way finished when we stopped to go to the library to check out a book for one of their book reports this 9 wks. It is Student's Choice and they must read 2 books and give me two oral reports before the 9 wk period is up.
Enjoy your evening--Later Gators. :)
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Day Two Down--Looking to TGIF
Second day of school went off without a hitch. All cogs in the wheel seem to be operating smoothly. I know my body and brain isn't used to the all day every day hustle and bustle of it just yet. I gotta get to bed earlier!!!
Today in class we did a compare/contrast journal entry using a Vienn Diagram. Students had to pick a character from a movie or book and then compare/contrast themselves with that character.
We then read one of Kelley Gallagher's non-fiction news articles of the week. It was about a girl protesting Seventeen Magazine's use of photoshopping pictures of models. She believes that these photos subliminally send the message that young girls and their bodies aren't "pretty" enough. I used some "MAXX" teaching concepts, along with peer reading to understand the text. Both of these teaching ideas are based on Common Core info I've received this summer. We will finish the article tomorrow. I was very pleased at all students' input and participation in this group activity today. Great job 8th Graders!!!!!!!!!
Today in class we did a compare/contrast journal entry using a Vienn Diagram. Students had to pick a character from a movie or book and then compare/contrast themselves with that character.
We then read one of Kelley Gallagher's non-fiction news articles of the week. It was about a girl protesting Seventeen Magazine's use of photoshopping pictures of models. She believes that these photos subliminally send the message that young girls and their bodies aren't "pretty" enough. I used some "MAXX" teaching concepts, along with peer reading to understand the text. Both of these teaching ideas are based on Common Core info I've received this summer. We will finish the article tomorrow. I was very pleased at all students' input and participation in this group activity today. Great job 8th Graders!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Welcome Back to School Leedey 8th Grade!!!!
Well, it's here weather we like it or not. School is starting; it's still incredibly hot; Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepson is the smash hit of the summer; and Team USA is kicking booty in the Olympics!!!Whoot Whoot!!! I know you think you're not ready but I'm confident that will change once you get your groove going and embrace the rigorus challenges ahead!! Check out this blog everyday as it will contain homework assignments, important dates, links to the school website, weekly lunch menu, weather info, and crazy rantings and postings by your crazy teacher!! lol :) Hope you enjoyed your first day. Hope to see ya back for Round 2 tomorrow.
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