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Friday, December 17, 2010

Finally Friday!!! No School Tomorrow!!

Here it is--Friday and only one hour of school left.  Yeaaaaaa!!!  Christmas Break!!  No school for two whole weeks!!  Sleeping in, going shopping, hanging out with family and friends, eating out, watching "It's A Wonderful Life," playing outside, traveling, going to All-College Tournament---wonderful Christmas Break activities.  The beautiful light snow is a sign that this Christmas will the best ever if you choose to make it that.  All of my students that were supposed to show up for Semester Tests did, and they finished them.  We got them graded, but were unable to average grades.  Hopefully I will have all of that done when we get back, but right now--It's Christmas Break, BABY!!!  Hope everyone has a
See Ya Next Year!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Only One More Day Left!!

Well, after today there is only one day left before Christmas Break is here!!  Jingle Bells!!  Tonight is the elementary Christmas Program in the auditorium starting at 7:00 pm.  The kiddos have been working very hard to perfect their performances.  I can't wait to see it.  Tomorrow the 3&4 play in front of the HS basketball game against Shattuck.  Gradeschool games start at 4:30.  Today both of my classes started on their semester tests.  They will finish them tomorrow.  Then we will grade them and try to average grades.  The 7th grade finally got to have their blog party today.  Next potential party for both groups will be when the blog has 5,000 hits!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wild Wednesday!!

Boy Howdy!!  The kids are starting to sniff at the Christmas Break that is right around the corner, as they are starting to act a little waspy!!  Both classes finished their 9wks tests and we graded them today.  Then we looked at grade averages and absentses and figured out who all is taking Sem. Tests.  The 7th graders finally get to have their blog party tomorrow.  Check to see if your child signed up to bring food.  I've listed what each classes' semester test is going to cover.  Get ready because the tests are challenging.

7th English
* Sem. test will cover everything on the 9wks. test along with 3 or 4 of the reading comprehsion worksheets that we have been doing the last 3 weeks.  It will cover many of the reading skills that we have learned.  It is multiple choice.

8th Lang. Arts
*This test will cover everything that was on the 9wks test as well as:  plot, conflict, resolution, climax, complictions, subplot, and parallel episodes.  The lit. stories that students will test over are "The Wise Old Woman;" "Broken Chain;" "Flowers for Algernon;" "The Landlady;" "The Monkey's Paw;" and "The Open Window."

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Test-Taking Tuesday

Not much to report today.  Both the 7th & 8th graders took their 9 wks. test in class today.  Some did not get completely finished and are coming to me during enhancement in order to finish.  We will grade the tests tomorrow and also review for the Sem. Test then.  We are starting the Sem. Test in both classes on Thursday.  These tests are usually long and cumbersome and will take more than one class period to finish.  On Friday, we will finish the Sem. Tests and then grade them.  ALL STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT EXEMPT FROM SEMESTER TESTS MUST SHOW UP TO MY CLASS ON FRIDAY REGARDLESS OF IF THEY FINISHED MY SEMESTER TEST OR NOT.  There seems to be some confusion about this with the 7th graders.  I explained it again today and have hopefully answered all questions in regards to this matter.  Seventh graders, please remember to bring a Sequoyah book to class tomorrow for a bonus 100 grade. Basketball games tonight are at Arnett with 3&4 playing first.  Good luck to all four teams.  Go Big Green!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Busy Last Week Starts Today!!

There is a lot going on this week--lots of ballgames, Christmas programs, 9 wks. and Sem. Tests--the list just goes on and on!!  In both classes today we listened to book reports and reviewed for the 9 wks test which is tomorrow.  The 7th grade graded their journals and DOL's.  Some people didn't have theirs and so unfortunately, took zeros.  These grades are not droppable.  Some people also did not give their oral book reports.  I would hate to be those kids when their mamma's find out!!  Each book report goes down as 2 grades and then the AR test is one grade.  Multiply that times 2 book reports for me and that is 6 un-droppable zeros!!  Ouch!! 

Study hard tonight even thought there are 7th&8th and JH ballgames.  At least the games are here at home!!  See ya tomorrow if I don't see ya tonight at the games!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

And Friday is Finally Here...

Finally Friday is here!!  Only one week left until Christmas Break.  Next week is going to be very busy.  Here is a breakdown for my 7th & 8th English classes as far as the testing schedule goes.

Monday=Oral Book Reports Due.  Journals and DOL's due for 7th grade as well.  I will also review for 9wks tests.
Tuesday=9 wks. Test for both 7th and 8th grade.
Wednesday=We will grade and discuss 9 wks test.  Review for Sem. Tests for those students that have to take it.
Thursday=Sem. Tests for 7th and 8th grade.
Friday=Grade and discuss Sem. Tests.

8th Grade 9wks test will cover these stories from Literature Book:  "Too Soon A Woman" p. 170; "Union Pacific RR Poster" p.179; "Home, Sweet Soddie" p.180; "Mrs. Flowers" p.186; and "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" p.203.  Also the first two steps of the Writing Process, Pre-Writing and Writing, will be on the test as well.

7th Grade 9wks Test will cover Sequencing, Main Idea, and Context Clues from the Break Away books.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Countdown to Friday!!

Only one more day till the weekend is here!  The weather has warmed up some, which is good, I guess.  Not a lot on the calendar right now as far as extra-curricular stuff.  Next week looks very busy, though.  The HS teams play tonight at Canute in the second round of their tournament.  Girls play at 4:30 and boys play at 5:45.  Good luck to both squads.  Win so you can play on Saturday.

7th English
*Comprehension worksheet p.41&42 due tomorrow. 
*Listened to 2 oral book reports.
*Students had time to work on spelling, vocabulary, DOL's, journals, or read library book.  Spelling and vocab. due tomorrow.  DOL's and journals and book reports are due Monday, Dec.13.

8th Lang. Arts
*Used this time to get caught up on some back late papers for some. 
*Read library books and listened to oral book reports.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Little Bit of Snow Melts Away

     How exciting that we had our first snow for the winter!!  It wasn't very much, and it didn't last long, but it made everything look so peaceful, wintery, and serene.  Now of course if you have a job that requires you to work outside (like my husband), then you are probably NOT a fan of snow and winter weather.  However, if you are like me and had nothing else going on last night but to sit by the fire, drink hot cocoa, and finish putting up Christmas decorations, then you fell in love with the beauty and the wonder of our first winter snow.  BEAUTIFUL!!
     Sadly both of our HS teams lost their first round games last night in the 5 Co. Tourn.  According to the bracket, the girls will play Thursday at 4:30 and the boys will play right after them at 5:45.  The tournament is being held at Canute.  Good luck mighty bison and PLAY HARD!!!

7th English
*Started Context Clues in Break Away books.  Took the pre-test and then discussed p. 37. 
*Took pract. test on p. 38 and graded it.

8th Lang. Arts
*Reviewed the Writing Process that we have learned thus far with a warm-up outline activity.
*Began Less. #11 in Buckle Down books p. 59=Varied Sent. Structure. 
*Did pract. activity p. 60.  Handed in for a grade.
*Cont. on with Less. #12=Paragraphs That Flow.  Talked about topic sentences, along with engaging openings.  Looked at random examples from library books.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

No JH Games This Week

Because of the HS 5 County Tournament at Canute, there are no jh basketball games this week.  That means that my 7&8 graders ought to have plenty of time to get their books read so they can give me a book report on Monday!!  :)  I realize students have other commitments other than just sports; I really am just joking about "having time in the evening" factor.  But I'm dead serious about book reports being due on Monday.  Please get them done!!  Good luck to both HS teams tonight as the girls play Canute at 7:00 and the boys take on Hammon at 8:15.  Tournament brackets are in the office.  Go Bison!!

7th English
*Finished working on "Two Kinds of Skiing" comprehension worksheet.  Graded and discussed.
*Listened to book reports
*Talked again about DOL and Journal scale and due date.

8th Lang. Arts
*Used pre-writing notes from Wilbur K. Orvenbacker on p. 28-30 in Buckle Down to actually write the letter to the editor.  Must be 3-5 paragraphs and must contain a simile or metaphor.  Due tomorrow.

Monday, December 6, 2010

"Monday, Monday...So Good to See Ya"

Time is ticking down as Christmas Break is quickly approaching.  That means 9wks. and Sem. Tests are approaching, as well as anything due at the end of the 9 week period, like BOOK REPORTS!!!  They are due next Monday, December 13th, along with DOL's and Journals for the 7th graders.  These are NON-DROPPABLE grades.  Do NOT take zeros on these!!  It will kill your grade average if you do.  Autobiography or biography is the genre of the books were are reading. 

7th English
*I gave them the journal scale and DOL scale.  They had to copy it down.  These are due Mon. 12-13.
*Graded and discussed "26.218" (Marathon) comprehension worksheet. 
*Assigned another comprehension worksheet="Two Kinds of Skiing."  Due at end of class tomorrow.

8th Lang. Arts
*Discussed simile, metaphor, alliteration, and personification.  Finished pract. activities 3&4 in Buckle Down books p.36-41.  Graded these as one assignment.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Whew!!  Finally it's here--FRIDAY!!  JH and HS basketball games here tonight against Buffalo.  Good luck to the Green & White Bison!!  The 5&6 have a basketball festival tomorrow here at Leedey starting at 9:00 a.m.  Go lil' Bison dudes!!  I totally forgot to blog yesterday.  I just got busy with life and completely forgot!!  I won't make a habit of it.  Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!!

7th English
*Took Spell. Test #14 and graded
*Graded Vocab Wb. Less. #14
*Read library books and listened to oral book reports.

8th Lang. Arts
*Finished first two pract. activ. in Buckle Down p.36-38-Choosing the Right Words-Formal lang. vs. Informal.  Handed it in.  Will finish other two and grade Mon.
*Read library books and listened to oral book reports.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

Congrats to both HS teams for their wins over Gage last night.  There are no games tonight or tomorrow night.  Both classes worked hard today.  The 7th grade is about to finish up Main Idea concepts for the reading test in April.  Woo Hoo!!!  The 8th grade is just getting a good start on learning the Process of Writing for their writing test in February.  Keep the nose to the grindstone students!!

7th English
*DOL wk. 14 (5&6)
*Discussed and graded Main Idea worksheets from yesterday.  Kids seem to be grasping concept better.

8th Lang. Arts
*Did Pract. Act. 1&2 p.33-35 in B.D.  Actually started the Writing Process step.  Due tomorrow.